I used to be in a very different place to where I am now. My healing journey began back in 2018, when I was at an all-time low.

Periods of trauma in my childhood and early to mid-twenties with little support had shattered me, and everyday functioning felt completely unattainable. I had sought out various types of therapy, from CBT to psychodynamic to neuro-linguistic programming but the benefits for me were marginal.

I quit my job and flew to Bali with a one-way ticket as a last effort to find joy. I spent two whole months attending workshops and rituals, practising yoga and meditation, trying every healing activity I could think of. And then I discovered breathwork: a pivotal moment in my life. It was transformative– I knew I had to share this tool with others.

I realised that the missing piece had been somatic practices - body-based practices. Our bodies hold memories from the past of experiences which we were unable to process at the time. This can lead to illnesses, limiting self-beliefs and holding ourselves back in life.

Using this incredible self-healing modality I began to release some of the charge in my nervous system, work through emotions that I had repressed for decades, and process them in a safe environment as a conscious adult.

From here, I began working to rebalance my nervous system using various other breath techniques. I started to work through many of the coping mechanisms that had served me as a child, but were now significantly holding me back as an adult.

I will always be profoundly grateful for discovering the healing power of breath I feel so honoured to facilitate others on their own path. 

My passion is to help women claim sovereignty over their mental and physical health through the power of their own breath, as well as connect deeply to their desires in order to live the life of peace, joy and abundance that they deserve.

I'm a breathwork facilitator and speaker here to guide you on your unique breathwork journey.